Please note this explanation almost certainly isn't correct. The game pastes in object 37 which just happens to be mapped to one of the Osiris piece carts. In this new list of objects "Bear" is no longer mapped to object 37, it might be mapped to object 403. The game now selects object 37 from the pool of allowable objects which is now reduced to say 600 objects. Later when you are in a mission that does not allow all 1000 objects, you paste your objects. When you copy the "Bear" the game remembers that you selected object 37

Let's say there are 1000 total objects and "Bear" is object 37

You selected your objects from the total pool of objects Most campaign missions do not allow units from either the Titans or Tale of the Dragon expansion. This seems to be due to the various expansions.

You might copy a bunch of standard run-of-the-mill bears hoping to overwhelm Gargarensis with your grizzly army, for example, only to discover that you accidentally copied several Osiris piece carts. So it turns out that on most campaign levels this glitch isn't going to perform exactly how you might want it to. You can disable the glitch in the editor by selecting paste and pressing Esc. If you did everything properly, the units you copied will now be pasted wherever you click. When you've managed to create one of these Titans they will roam about the map tearing things up and fighting each other like a Japanese monster movie.Copy the selected object(s) (Ctrl + C works) Unfortunately there are very few changes to the existing sides, but the key addition is a giant creature for each side -monstrous beings that can cause enormous amounts of damage. The Atlanteans also curry favour with their chosen gods by taking over town centres rather than praying at temples, building relics or fighting, making them much more of a territory conscious side to play. The vortex god power literally sucks all your military units up and drops them in one place. For instance, all their buildings come replete with a time shift power, which allows them to be moved to different parts of the map. The various Titan god powers and the Atlantean features add some very interesting strategic twists to the game. They come complete with their own set of major Titan gods Kronos, Oranos and Gaia, plus nine minor gods. The Atlanteans themselves are like a more interesting version of the Greeks, who personally I've always found to be quite dull compared to the showy and frantic Egyptians and the Norse.